Suddenly a young man rushed from behind me to the lift and pressed the open button. I looked at the door thinking whether the lift will stop going up, whether the lift door will open or whether it will not open. A few seconds passed and I held my breath. To my utter amazement the door did open . I got inside after the young man. As the lift moved up I nodded at him and gave him a smile of gratefulness. He smiled back at me as though telling me that what he did was nothing and he was capable of doing much greater things. In my mind I fully agreed with him.
And then I started telling myself:
Youth is achievement.
Youth is courageous.
Youth is brave.
Youth is bold.
Youth is dynamic.
Youth has no fear.
Youth is risk taking.
Youth has dreams.
Youth has hope.
Youth has stamina.
May be you can add some words of your own to the above list!
If you are not young, you don't have to despair. OLDER people having the above qualities can also be called YOUNG.