Sunday, June 22, 2008


Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are .
(Mary Jean Irion -------Writer and Educator)

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in life you will have been all of these.

(Bob Goddard----
British Author)
Turn yourself inside out, so you can see yourself with fresh eyes.

( Jean Paul Sartre---
French writer and Philosopher)

What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress? Imagine you are a Masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day a work of art taking form with every breath.

(Thomas Crum-----
Martial Arts Expert and “Peak Performance” coach)

Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. (James Thurber ----- Humorist and Illustrator)


Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

"tolerant with the weak and wrong."

Yes, Yes, something to strive for.
We must often first forgive our own wrong doings and weaknesses before we really understand what others are going through.

I like the pictures that you posted of the crafts and jewelry.
Pretty colors.


FCB said...

I think that second quote struck me the most as well. Sobering.